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Join the Conspiracy!

There is no conspiracy. There is no plan to Google-smash the Google search engine's page rank algorithm by having so many links to that every search for the term "Evidence Eliminator" turns up this page first. But if there was, here is how you would join the conspiracy:

  1. Put a link to somewhere on your site,
  2. OR, put one of the following banners (courtesy of Agent Randall) onto your site, using the provided HTML code or HTML code of your own (as long as it links to
  3. (Optional)Put the phrase "Proud member of the Evidence Eliminator Sucks Conspiracy" somewhere on your page.
  4. (Optional)EMAIL the conspiracy (the one that doesn't exist) with the URL of your site.
That's it!

Image Type HTML code
Standard banner <a href=""><img src="" alt="Join The 'Evidence Eliminator Sucks' Conspiracy" border=0></a>
Three-quarter-size banner <a href=""><img src="" alt="Join The 'Evidence Eliminator Sucks' Conspiracy" border=0></a>
Left-border icon <a href=""><img src="" alt="Join The 'Evidence Eliminator Sucks' Conspiracy" border=0></a>

Current members of the Conspiracy include, but are not limited to:

Paul Allen Motorola U.S. Department of Defense CIA
Lycos CMU Wired News
Agent Randall Agent Green Agent Little Agent Rad
Agent Flagg Agent Stellar The Violent Pacification Corporation ICQ Update
Blue Line Agent Crowley Some Christian Dude Agent Skousen
Agent Bob

Send mail with the URL of your own page if you, too, want to be listed on the conspiracy page. Welcome, Agent _____ !


The Conspiracy has succeeded! The URL now turns up as the second website listed when you do a Google search for the terms "evidence eliminator". Thanks to all the folks who've linked here!
Copyright 2002 Eric Lee Green, All Rights Reserved
Last modified: Mon Oct 14 09:51:58 MST 2002