1. Are the limits on Pages applicable only to documents (PDFs, docx, etc.)? And NOT applicable on YouTube videos and Links?
2. Example, under Tier 1 (200 pages/month), if I do not use Humata on the 1st month, I will have 400 pages available for the 2nd month? If yes, how long will this accumulate?
Is the "pages per month" counted only for new uploaded pages? And NOT counting the existing pages or those already uploaded from previous months?
3. For "questions per month" - are followup or clarificatory questions still counted against our monthly credits?
4. What's the difference between BYOK and CYOK? Can I use my OpenRouter with Humata?
When can we use YouTube without subtitles? Because not every video has subtitles, this makes it very limited and inconvenient for many people to use.Th。is function is very important。thank you
can I use the knowledge base to keep a single file updated?
I have100s of legal documents and I'd like to have them summarised into one file, and when the knowledge base is updated , the summary file is updated as well..can humata do that?
Q: what's the difference between humata and humata health? are they the same company?
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Q: About Pages and BYOK:
1. Are the limits on Pages applicable only to documents (PDFs, docx, etc.)? And NOT applicable on YouTube videos and Links?
2. Example, under Tier 1 (200 pages/month), if I do not use Humata on the 1st month, I will have 400 pages available for the 2nd month? If yes, how long will this accumulate?
Is the "pages per month" counted only for new uploaded pages? And NOT counting the existing pages or those already uploaded from previous months?
3. For "questions per month" - are followup or clarificatory questions still counted against our monthly credits?
4. What's the difference between BYOK and CYOK? Can I use my OpenRouter with Humata?
Thank you!
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Q: do you have MRR? are you currently profitable? what do you expect from your appsumo launch?
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Q: When can we use YouTube without subtitles?
When can we use YouTube without subtitles? Because not every video has subtitles, this makes it very limited and inconvenient for many people to use.Th。is function is very important。thank you
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Q: updating a single source.
can I use the knowledge base to keep a single file updated?
I have100s of legal documents and I'd like to have them summarised into one file, and when the knowledge base is updated , the summary file is updated as well..can humata do that?
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