Q: Built in web browser features . AI features and why edworking over LiftOS
Is thier a built in Broswer or web application feature when working with other SaaS platforms. this would be great to minimize distractions and to have everything function within edworking.
What AI features are you excitited about intergrating within edworking platform. Perhpas a built in Generative AI engine prompt for chat and picture generation??
Why Edworking over LiftOs

Nov 8, 2024A: With Lift, you’d need to pay for three or four different applications, while Edworking is an all-in-one solution for all your work needs—different concepts entirely. Our focus is on helping small and medium businesses boost productivity, so there’s no need to pay for multiple software subscriptions.
Plus, you’ll soon get to experience our AI approach! 😊