Q: Hi.
Got a few queries:
1. It says, "All future Ethos Standard Plan updates". Does this mean that regardless of the tier, we only get the updates on the standard tier?
2. As for the "Custom domain whitelisting", is this for the whole platform or for each project?
3. If I use custom domain and I add a client in a guideline, will the clients access via ethos or via the custom domain?
4. Are there collaboration features?
5. I saw in the video that we can change labels. This applies to most of the text in the guidelines?
6. Are there limits to the AI?
7. Can I add clients to several projects?
8. What filetypes would be accepted as "brand assets"?
9. Still unlimited storage?

May 15, 2024A: Hey Kukuri-Hime,
You'll get updates on the tier that you purchase. Everyone will receive Ethos Standard Plan updates, but if you upgrade to a higher tier than you'll receive the updates as they're released. Custom domain whitelisting is for the Brand Guidelines that you'd share with your team, partners and/or clients. You can give your clients access to Brand Guidelines via the custom domain to view or editor access to their Brand Guideline via Ethos. You can invite team members and clients to collaborate on Brand Guidelines together as additional editors. You can change titles and add tags for images. These will then appear in your search making it easier to find brand content. The AI can only generate text, but it can be helpful for creating brand copy, colors, font suggestions and more. You can add clients to as many Brand Guidelines as you have in your Ethos account. We support JPEG, PNG, EPS, SVG and other file formats such as PDF, DOC, and AI. We also support unlimited storage and only have file size limits per tier, which you can see here: https://app.yourethos.io/account/tier-select/