Q: What is your financial stability like and do you have a long-term plan in place for profitability?
I have purchased two TTS products on AppSumo that have failed within less than a year of my purchase. I'm not sure what it is about TTS, but it doesn't seem to be a stable market. You are not an AppSumo Select product so I don't get a refund if you fail. So can you tell us a bit about your company, how long you have been in business, and what your future plans are? Thank you.

May 14, 2024A: Hello light3,
Absolutely your concern is valid and I appreciate that for raising it here. As you know, any business has uncertainty and can fall down due to various factors.
For us, we are backed by serial and experienced investors. We have a growing number of monthly subscribers.
The product development team, marketing & sales team are all partners and have strong experience in the respective field - that means we don't have too much dependency on external resources that could make our development and operational cost too high.
I think these are the key points that will help you to understand. If you have any other queries, I encourage you to follow by email support@unmixr.com

Verified purchaser
Thank you for asking this important question. I'm in the same boat as you. Speechki and Utrrr went south within months of me purchasing them. I definitely don't want a repeat of that.
Agreed. Before it was Utrrr, it was already failing as Blakify. They knew they were failing and yet were allowed to provide another round of LTDs. We did a write up on this process with TrustPilot.

Verified purchaser
Thank you for your fast and detailed response!
How long have you been in business though, since what year?