Top deals for Recruiters
Automate your workflows, learn your craft, and find great deals on solutions built specifically for Recruiters.
9 products
LeadRocksin Lead generation

LeadRocks is a reliable B2B contact database with 100M+ records, emails, phone numbers, and LinkedIns
XInterview AI

XInterview AIin HR
Traditional hiring is expensive, so minimize time to hire with XInterview, your own hiring buddy
LeadRocks - Plus exclusive
LeadRocks - Plus exclusivein Lead generation

LeadRocks is a reliable B2B contact database with 100M+ records, emails, phone numbers, and LinkedIns

Hirevirein HR
Collect video interviews from job applicants -- make your traditional interviews better
FlyMSG: AI Writer, Text Expander, AI Post Generator & LinkedIn Commenting

FlyMSG: AI Writer, Text Expander, AI Post Generator & LinkedIn Commentingin Lead generation
FlyMSG: an AI Writer, Text Expander, AI Post Generator & LinkedIn Commenting SUPER Productivity App!