Disruptive, Gamechanger, PR Gold
Before Press Ranger, trying to write a press release, reach a busy reporter, get press distribution, segment reporters interested in your stuff OR get the word out about squatter lockout or triumvirate law was like cutting my wrists to write a love letter.
This disruptive and visionary group of folks has changed the industry and lowered the bar so even a solopreneur or, like myself, a noob and uninitiated marketing guru can play with the big boys.
HARO (help a reporter out) has gone by the wayside so what is a solopreneur to do? Comes now this new masterful distuptor game!
The customer-centric service is personable with Steve, the founder, and his staff, hand-holding and explaining the power of the platform. This has made me jump from tier one to tier two so that I can load up more of my companies into the platform, each with their own press rooms. What is there not to love?
Get this, get this, get this. It is a festivus gift to all of us that these good folks have given us with this lifetime deal.

Dec 24, 2024Thank you! Means the world to us.