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Evidence Eliminator destroys marriage!

Yeah, those boys at Robin Hood Software are such upright outstanding people... such as their latest deceptive advertising campaign.

I got the following message from a person who I will call "Deep R", about how their abusive advertising tactics destroyed a man's marriage (note: All names and IP addresses deleted to protect Deep R):

Greetings, - sorry to bother you but I was directed here after being
at the Evidence Eliminator site.

Ok, so let me fill you IN .........

I recieved an E-mail from a friend of mine who is at present ( now
seperated from his wife). - WHY?Because while he was on the net, and
just checking out sites ( I believe it was a Greek islands site ) -
anyhow, he recieved the following message:

         You are now under investigation 

      The material you have been viewing has triggered enquiries into
      your Internet records. Click Here to stop this investigation.

    You have the right to remain silent. However, anything you say may be
    taken down as evidence and used against you at a later date.

        a.. Your IP address of: has been traced. 

        b.. They're  Searching for you on the Internet. 

        c.. Your Internet Provider NET has provided
        information. Internet records prove you are guilty.

        d.. They know you are using: MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER V5.X. 

        e.. Your computer is: WINDOWS 98. 

      Click Here for help from a trusted source. You need to stop this
      investigation quickly - and try to stop them targeting
      you. Click Here to protect yourself.

      HTTP 911 - Server Warning - Authorized Investigation In Progress  

Needless to say, his wife who isn't very experienced with the world of
the internet went off her TREE at him and went into a state of PANIC!
- she then ripped the phone connection from the wall, and trashed his
machine believing that he ( the friend of mine ) had done something
against the law and the police were going to have him arrested, and
she and the kids might loose the house.......and what was it that he
DID? - the more he tried to answer her the MORE angry she got - to the
point where she told him to get out!..................( talk about
PANIC and over-react! ).

The bottom line here you can guess! - this is
another deceptive way to advertise and push a product using FEAR

My point here is that she was honestly in -FEAR of .......when as you
know it was just an advertisement.

Now, to be honest, at one point I was REALLY thinking about buying the
program, as I had seen some pretty good reports on it.....but after
seeing how these guys work ( with respect to sales tactics like THIS
on which CLEARLY tries to instill FEAR and paranoia, - they can JAM
it!  After speaking with my friend ( who by-the-way is now back with
his wife ( after I had them come over to MY place and I used MY system
to show that it was all a TRICK to get a sale......) - they are now
considering LEGAL ACTION against the makers of Evidence Eliminator for
obvious reasons.

What right has ANY company got to use THESE TACTICS to secure a sale?
- why cant they just use the usual the strengths
of the product, and quality, and explain WHY a customer needs the
program - instead of causing the " possible " customer to purchase out
of fear and lies - like the tactic used here on my friend?

There WAS NO investigation! - if its an ADVERTISEMNT or a SIMULATION
of what COULD happen to a user, the n let ti be maid CLEAR at the
START of these kind of advertisements. - NOT worry the HELL out of
somone who is NEW to the net, or is still getting a grip with the
whole WWW, thing.

In MY opinion, the way these people operate is VERY stupid - Id rather
buy a product that can protect me by letting me see how well it
WORKS..........not try to SCARE me into BUYING it!

As far as I am concerned..........they can BITE ME! - NO SALE! 

Well, R, what can I say? The boys are such jolly good people, right? You can get the full scoop on who to sue, and how to sue them, at the main EE page. Meanwhile, a user named "Doug" encountered the same scumbag tactics and also contacted me. Here's his copy of the above deceptive advertising scam:

John Bryant
Last modified: Wed Mar 13 14:37:27 EST 2002